Right now, New England produces about 12% of its food for
the 14.5 million people who live in the region, while 88% is grown on farmland
acres outside of the region. What would it take to substantially – and
sustainably – increase that capacity? “A New England Food Vision” provides a bold
vision. It proposes tripling our current farmland acreage from 2 million acres to
6 million acres – similar to the amount of farmland in production in the first
half of the 20th century. It envisions a shift toward healthier
eating patterns while retaining choice and diversity of diet among our diverse
population. And it urges policy shifts to support food justice, so that an
adequate healthy diet is in reach of all. If the vision sounds ambitious to
you, you’re right! Sometimes thinking big is the best way to show us how to
direct our energy.
The report isn’t a prescription, but outlines in detail what
our region’s land and climate could support in two scenarios: “The Omnivore’s
Delight” in which 50% of the region’s food is produced here, and an alternative
“Regional Reliance,” which explores maximizing New England’s food production to
almost 70%. The Omnivore’s Delight scenario calls for New England to grow all
of our vegetables and about half of the fruits. We’d produce all of the region’s
dairy and much of the other livestock, using land suited best for pasture. A
smaller percentage of the region’s grain, bean and oil needs would be produced
regionally, as these calorie-dense foods are more efficient to import than
produce, dairy and meat. You can delve into these scenarios by exploring the report.
Where does Simple Gifts Farm fit into this vision? For New
England to produce all of its own vegetables, we would need to increase
vegetable acreage five-fold. And
since freshness is paramount for produce, a large amount of this production
would be in urban and suburban areas. Our location at the North Amherst
Community Farm, in the heart of our town and accessible by foot, bus and bike,
fits this piece of the vision perfectly. Simple Gifts Farm, together with many
other farms, community and school gardens, and thriving local markets, are part
of making the vision a reality. In addition, our and other farmer’s work to
extend the season so that fresh produce is available year-round is part of a
trend that needs to continue and expand.
Local food processing hubs for farmers and community members are also a
key piece to preserving local food for year-round eating. And the shared
ownership model of the Simple Gifts farmer’s business on land leased from the
North Amherst Community Farm land trust is one that makes food production
in-town – where high land values are a great challenge but the community access
is a great asset – feasible.
Together, we can do this. Thank you for being part of making
this vision a sustainable reality.
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